When did you start CrossFitting? Who/what got you started?I never thought of myself as being fat or unhealthy but in 2009, I realized something had to change. My rock star lifestyle was starting to catch up with me. Late nights, partying, kids, work…I couldn’t run a quarter mile to save my life! I used to smoke and do a lot of other things but running was like my new gateway drug. I started running to get away from it all. I wanted to change my lifestyle and well, it’s really hard to run with a cigarette in your mouth, let alone gasping for air. After running for about a year, some lifestyle changes, and unhealthy dieting, I lost 20 pounds (probably the baby weight) and could finally run a mile without stopping. I plateaued, and my workouts weren’t effective anymore. Although I wanted to do more, I just couldn’t afford it so I stuck to the YMCA workouts and machines. Until finally one day...I met Bob. Bob and I became good friends and we worked out together. Then he gifted me with a three-month trial at a CrossFit gym because he knew I wouldn’t let someone else’s money go unappreciated. I showed up, threw up, and kept going back and haven’t stopped since! True story (the name has been changed to protect Bob’s identity 😊)What is your favorite/least favorite WOD?All the WODs are my least favorite until it’s over with. Then I’m like hey I’m still alive and I did it. Thanks to the coaches for always pushing me harder than I think my body can handle!What is your favorite/least favorite movement?I don’t know why but I love snatches! I see people throw tons of weight over their head while maintaining that “Asian squat” and well that’s one thing I can do! But throw a squat in with a S2OH and I’m toast! I wouldn’t say hate, but dislike very much thrusters. Tell us a little bit about yourself (family, job, sports, interests, etc.)I moved to Overland Park a little over two years ago with my four roommates, Nicholas (age 18), Karizma (age 12), and Christian and Cole (age 11). During the day (and some nights), you can find me working as a Product Manager for a subsidiary of Dell Technologies building software to help companies with their governance, risk, and compliance. And recently, I just started my furniture business, KS Furniture Outlet. When I’m not working, I’m cheering my boys on in their sports, playing softball, volleyball, snowboarding, binging on Netflix and fulfilling God’s purpose for my life.
What was your workout routine before CrossFit?I would go to the YMCA, run a couple laps, sit on the machines, pull on some cables and check out the dudes. What did you think after your first CrossFit workout?I seriously was wondering if I’d be able to drive home. I ran out in the middle of my WOD and threw up on the side of the building. Felt nauseous as crap, probably from my so-called healthy unhealthy diet, and my body was paralyzed from the neck down. I somehow made it to Bob’s house, where he laughed at me and said I looked like I got white girl wasted. What a mess!What were your goals when joining CrossFit? Have you achieved any of those goals?I really want to do a butterfly pull up but Ant won’t teach me. But kudos for him for being a great coach who cares about proper form and strength required to perform complex movements. I really didn’t set any goals except to be able to Crossfit again after breaking my pelvis. I tell you what though, I never thought I’d hit a 95-pound snatch.Has CrossFit affected your life outside the gym?Absolutely. My 18-year-old’s friends are impressed that I can do pull ups and my bootie shorts attract a lot of attention at the grocery store after going to the gym. On a serious note, I feel so much more energized and strong, mentally and physically. I feel like I can do accomplish anything!!
Do you have any other special memories/ achievements during your time here?Every day is an achievement when I get there (on time) and when I finish a workout. The community here at Crossfit913 is like no other. The coaches push you harder each day and they really get to know you. Sometimes better than you know yourself, pushing you to do weight you never imagined doing or accomplishing movements you thought you could never do. The people that you workout with every day become a part of your life, inside and out of the gym. Supporting each other in every aspect of your life. I moved from a community like this and it was very difficult for me to start over but Crossfit913 made me feel like home and now I am embracing my home here in Overland Park. Thank you all for supporting me on my journey! What advice would you give to a newbie just joining CrossFit 913?Don’t ask about lunges, left/right = 2 unless told otherwise. Don’t be late. Don’t stare at the coaches while you’re trying to figure out how much weight you are going to do (they can read your mind and will tell you how much you should do). And leave your weights out so you can do burpees (because who doesn’t enjoy doing burpees). It’s simple, show up work hard and be patient. Trust the coaches…they know what they’re doing! Something you might not know about me is?I help run a Christian ministry for incarcerated youth girls in Kansas. I visit the girls in the only maximum-security prison in Kansas every month and for a weekend every year to teach them what it’s like to be loved, not judged, and forgiven. It was through this ministry in which I found my purpose and I am no longer ashamed of my past. Romans 8:28 “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”
KS Athletic Club
KS Athletic Club
KS Athletic Club